what obama has done to help the economy

Michael Linden: Did the Stimulus Work? - Huffington Post.
Aug 5, 2012. How the Economy Can Help or Hurt President Obama. Bush Sr.'s history did not repeat itself with George W. Bush in the 2004 election.
Mar 23, 2013. China's economy will surpass that of the United States in three years. You know if you did any studying at all you would know this is Bush Jr's fault.. him…. give JR. a special shout out for helping China become #1….
“Why is the government spending so much more money than it ever has before. Obama attempts to help American economic recovery have actually done more .
Twenty-four percent of Christians surveyed believe that President Obama has helped the economy. The majority of respondents believe that the President has .
Oct 26, 2012. Publicly, Mr. Obama has begun to emphasize the economic good news in. Mr. Obama or Mr. Romney will help determine whether taxes on the affluent. than to start a new period in domestic policy, as Mr. Obama has done.
Oct 29, 2010. "A party whose leaders realized that economic results were the most important. to create jobs and help the economy immediately and measures designed to. Obama has spoken occasionally about the filibuster, but the .
Nov 4, 2012. I've seen the complaint that Obama did not go far enough with his economic policies many times. This piece mentions it yet again, however it .
Cleaning Up the Economy - NYTimes.com.
Roy Blunt says President Obama is hurting, not helping small.
Obama's Bad Economic Policies vs. Romney's Disastrous Ones.
The Economic Insanity Underlying President Obama's "Private.
Supporting Small Businesses | The White House.
what obama has done to help the economy
How the Economy Can Help or Hurt President Obama.4 more years: What to expect of Obama's 2nd-term - USA Today.
What the fuck has Obama done so far? WTF! You forgot… | PG version site: Shavanna Miller, Will Carlough, and Richard Boenigk. Signed financial reform law .
Passed the Stimulus Act to keep our economy from completely tanking in the toilet. BTW - wasn't it the previous administration that got us in this mess .